hql 中的case when運用查詢

2021-07-02 22:42:17 字數 974 閱讀 2330


string hql = "select new com.ks.admin.report.dto.reportmonthwithdrawaldto(" +

"count(*)," +

"sum(ct.tradetotal)," +

"sum(case when ct.tradetotal >= 0 then 1 else 0 end)," +

"sum(case when ct.tradetotal >= 0 then ct.tradetotal else 0 end)" +

") " +

"from custtrade ct " +

"where ct.tradetype = 'dr' " +

"and ct.tradetime between ? and ? " +

"and ct.tradedesc like '%提現%'";


sum(case when ct.tradetotal >= ? then ct.1 else 0 end) 返回long型別。

sum(case when ct.tradetotal >= 0 then 1 else 0 end)的意思是當ct.tradetotal>=0的時候會返回1,否則返回0,而sum會累加,因為0累加之後還是0,所以只會返回1的累加之後才會改變值,因此這表示統計ct.tradetotal>=0的資料總數。為什麼不用count呢?因為試驗過,count裡面無法用條件。

sum(case when ct.tradetotal >= 0 then ct.tradetotal else 0 end)的意思是當ct.tradetotal>=0的時候返回ct.tradetotal的值,否則返回0,同理,如果條件成立,會累加ct.tradetotal>=0的值。


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