由swift想到的 python反射機制

2021-06-28 03:16:25 字數 3181 閱讀 6247



def command(func):

"""decorator to declare which methods are accessible as commands, commands

always return 1 or 0, where 0 should indicate success.

:param func: function to make public

"""func.publicly_accessible = true


rv = func(*a, **kw)

return 1 if rv else 0


class manager(object):


def status(self, **kwargs):

"""display status of tracked pids for server

"""status = 0

for server in self.servers:

status += server.status(**kwargs)

return status


def start(self, **kwargs):

"""starts a server


status = 0

for server in self.servers:


if not kwargs.get('daemon', true):

for server in self.servers:


status += server.interact(**kwargs)

except keyboardinterrupt:

print _('\nuser quit')



elif kwargs.get('wait', true):

for server in self.servers:

status += server.wait(**kwargs)

return status

... def list_commands(cls):


"""get all publicly accessible commands

:returns: a list of string tuples (cmd, help), the method names who are

decorated as commands

"""get_method = lambda cmd: getattr(cls, cmd)#lambda匿名函式,定義了乙個變數get_method,引數是cmd,直接呼叫getattr

return sorted([(x.replace('_', '-'), get_method(x).__doc__.strip())

#遍歷manager物件的成員,如果成員又屬性'publicly_accessible',該屬性是在@command 中進行定義的而後面的for...語句,則是sort自定義的


for x in dir(cls) if

getattr(get_method(x), 'publicly_accessible', false)])#

import functools

def command(func):

func.publicly_accessible = true


rv = func(*a, **kw)

return 1 if rv else 0

class manager():



def status(self, **kwargs):


print 'status'

def start(self, **kwargs):


print 'start'

def no_wait(self, **kwargs):


print 'no_wait'

def no_daemon(self, **kwargs):


print 'no_daemon'


def list_commands(cls):

print getattr(getattr(cls,'status'),"publicly_accessible",false)

get_method = lambda cmd: getattr(cls, cmd)#lambda匿名函式,定義了乙個變數get_method,引數是cmd,直接呼叫getattr

return sorted([(x.replace('_', '-'), get_method(x).__doc__.strip())

for x in dir(cls) if

getattr(get_method(x), 'publicly_accessible', false)])

print manager.list_commands()



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