mkdir /home/yourname/download %建立存放壓縮檔案的目錄
tar -xzvf unpv13e.tar.gz %解壓
ls -al %檢視該目錄下的檔案
cd unpv13e %進入unpv13e
cat readme %檢視readme檔案,其中有具體的安裝資訊,按照操作即可
quick and dirty
execute the following from the src/ directory:
./configure # try to figure out all implementation differences
cd lib # build the basic library that all programs need
make # use "gmake" everywhere on bsd/os systems
cd ../libfree # continue building the basic library
cd ../libroute # only if your system supports 4.4bsd style routing sockets
make # only if your system supports 4.4bsd style routing sockets
cd ../libxti # only if your system supports xti
make # only if your system supports xti
cd ../intro # build and test a basic client program
make daytimetcpcli
if all that works, you're all set to start compiling individual programs.
cp libunp.a /usr/lib
cp libunp.a /usr/lib64/
cd /lib
cp unp.h /usr/include
cp config.h /usr/include
最後,修改unp.h中的#include "../config.h"為#include "./config.h"。
undefined reference to 'err_quit'
undefined reference to 'err_sys'
#include "apue.h"
#include /* for definition of errno */
#include /* iso c variable aruments */
static void err_doit(int, int, const char *, va_list);
/** nonfatal error related to a system call.
* print a message and return.
err_ret(const char *fmt, ...)
/** fatal error related to a system call.
* print a message and terminate.
err_sys(const char *fmt, ...)
/** fatal error unrelated to a system call.
* error code passed as explict parameter.
* print a message and terminate.
err_exit(int error, const char *fmt, ...)
/** fatal error related to a system call.
* print a message, dump core, and terminate.
err_dump(const char *fmt, ...)
/** nonfatal error unrelated to a system call.
* print a message and return.
err_msg(const char *fmt, ...)
/** fatal error unrelated to a system call.
* print a message and terminate.
err_quit(const char *fmt, ...)
/** print a message and return to caller.
* caller specifies "errnoflag".
*/static void
err_doit(int errnoflag, int error, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
UNIX 網路程式設計環境配置
在ubuntu中配置這本書的環境 第2步 通過終端,cd進入上面的壓縮包所在資料夾 然後執行 tar zxf unpv13e.tar.gz 第3步 安裝編譯器 sudo apt get install build essential第4步 進入unpv13e目錄 configure cd lib m...
man 3 strtok man 3 strtok r printf 3 linux programmer s manual printf 3 name printf,fprintf,sprintf,snprintf,vprintf,vfprintf,vsprintf,vsnprintf forma...
1 一般來說 乙個埠釋放後會等待兩分鐘之後才能再被使用 so reuseaddr 是讓埠釋放後立即就可以被再次使用。so reuseaddr 用於對tcp 套接字處於 time wait 狀態下的 socket 才可以重複繫結使用。server 程式總是應該在呼叫 bind 之前設定 so reus...