MySQL 5 6原始碼編譯碰到的乙個問題

2021-06-26 19:36:25 字數 2284 閱讀 8648

mysql 5.6使用cmake作為編譯配置工具,筆者在centos 6.5上進行mysql 5.6.21 community server原始碼編輯時,碰到了乙個初級問題,現在重新回顧一下整個過程。


cmake -dcmake_install_prefix=/u01/mysql


-- the c compiler identification is unknown

-- the cxx compiler identification is unknown

cmake error: your c compiler: "cmake_c_compiler-notfound" was not found. please set cmake_c_compiler to a valid compiler path or name.

cmake error: your cxx compiler: "cmake_cxx_compiler-notfound" was not found. please set cmake_cxx_compiler to a valid compiler path or name.


yum install gcc gcc-c++


-- running cmake version

-- the cxx compiler identification is gnu 4.4.7

-- check for working cxx compiler: /usr/bin/c++

-- check for working cxx compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works

-- detecting cxx compiler abi info

-- detecting cxx compiler abi info - done

-- mysql 5.6.21

-- packaging as: mysql-5.6.21-linux-i686

-- could not find threads (missing: threads_found)

-- could not find threads (missing: threads_found)

-- check if the system is big endian

-- searching 16 bit integer

cmake error at /usr/share/cmake/modules/testbigendian.cmake:44 (message):

no suitable type found

call stack (most recent call first):

configure.cmake:647 (test_big_endian)

cmakelists.txt:416 (include)

-- configuring incomplete, errors occurred!


-- could not find curses (missing:  curses_library curses_include_path) 

cmake error at cmake/readline.cmake:85 (message):


yum install ncurses-devel


remove cmakecache.txt and rerun cmake.on debian/ubuntu, package name is libncurses5-dev, on redhat and derivates it is ncurses-devel.


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