spring jms非同步發收訊息 activemq
* 訊息生產者服務類
*/public class queuemessageproducer
private void sendmessage(phonenoticeinfo noticeinfo)
public jmstemplate getjmstemplate()
public void setjmstemplate(jmstemplate jmstemplate)
public destination getnotifyqueue()
public void setnotifyqueue(destination notifyqueue)
public notifymessageconverter getmessageconverter()
public void setmessageconverter(notifymessageconverter messageconverter)
* 訊息轉換
*/public class notifymessageconverter implements messageconverter
if (message instanceof objectmessage) catch (exception e) is not a instance of noticeinfo."
+ message.tostring());
throw new jm***ception("message:" + message.tostring()
+ "is not a instance of noticeinfo."
+ message.tostring());
}} else is not a instance of activemqobjectmessage."
+ message.tostring());
throw new jm***ception("message:" + message.tostring()
+ "is not a instance of activemqobjectmessage."
+ message.tostring());
}} else is not a instance of objectmessage." + message.tostring());
throw new jm***ception("message:" + message.tostring()
+ "is not a instance of objectmessage." + message.tostring());}}
/*** 轉換noticeinfo物件到訊息
*/public message tomessage(object obj, session session) throws jm***ception,
messageconversionexception " + obj.tostring());
}if (obj instanceof phonenoticeinfo) else " + obj.tostring());
}return null;}}
public class queuemessagelistener implements messagelistener catch (exception e)
}public notifymessageconverter getmessageconverter()
public void setmessageconverter(notifymessageconverter messageconverter)
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