python 描述符 類方法 閉包

2021-06-25 13:55:45 字數 2679 閱讀 2716

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #

class funwrap(object):


def __init__(self, func):

self.func = func

def __get__(self, obj, typ = none):

return szhinstancemethod(typ, obj, self)

def __call__(self, *args):

return self.func(*args)

def __getattr__(self, name):

return getattr(self.func, name)

class szhinstancemethod(object):


def __init__(self, im_class, im_self, im_func):

self.im_class = im_class

self.im_self = im_self

self.im_func = im_func

def __call__(self, *args):

if not self.im_self:

raise typeerror, "unbound method " + self.im_funcw.func_name + \

"() must be called with " + \

(self.im_class.__name__ if self.im_class else '?') + " instance"

return self.im_func(self.im_self, *args)

def __repr__(self):

if not self.im_self:

return '__szh"


return '__szh"

class szhclassmethod(object):


def __init__(self, func):

self.func = func

def __get__(self, obj, typ = none):

typ = typ or type(obj)

return szhinstancemethod(type(typ), typ, self.func)

class szhstaticmethod(object):


def __init__(self, func):

self.func = func

def __get__(self, obj, typ = none):

return self.func

if __name__ == '__main__':

class a(object):


def f(self):

print 'test method ' + str(self)



def clsf(cls):

print 'test class method ' + str(cls)



def staf():

print 'test static method'

a = a()

a1 = a()

print u"例項a訪問方法f",a.f

print u"例項a1訪問方法f",a1.f

print u"類a訪問方法f",a.f



print u"例項a訪問類方法clasf",a.clsf

print u"類a訪問類方法clasf",a.clsf



print u"例項a訪問靜態方法staf",a.staf

print u"類a訪問靜態方法staf",a.staf


1描述符 作為某一物件aa的屬性被訪問時, python會呼叫描述符的__get__方法   該物件aa會作為引數被隱示傳入

2 但是以字典key訪問時不會觸發這個__get__方法

1 object_instance.descriptor_a  觸發descriptor.__get__(self, object_instance) 返回乙個bound方法(他有im_fun, im_self, im_class屬性 可以用於區分乙個方法是否為bound)

2 object_instance.__dict__['descriptor_a'] 則是直接返回乙個描述符物件

所以monkey_patch  描述符如類方法 例項方法時

for field_name, value in object_a.__dict__.items():

if value.is_callable():

setattr(item, fieldname, value) 而不是 getattr(object_a, name) 因為他返回的是乙個bound的方法  而 value則是乙個描述符物件

python 描述 python描述符

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