Perl 指令碼在給定的資料夾目錄中遞迴查詢檔案

2021-06-22 14:13:30 字數 2098 閱讀 4139

最近在工作中使用到了perl 指令碼,需要在給定目錄下對各類編譯過的檔案進行 valgrind 安全檢查。 謝了乙個指令碼自動將檢查結果寫入到文字檔案當中。

程式名為 process_files:

原理: 從根目錄(給定引數)開始查詢, 如果找到的檔案仍然為子資料夾,遞迴呼叫。


查詢過程中,排除linux下 .  .. 資料夾


主要函式: process_files


use warnings;

use strict;

use io::handle;

use file::stat;

use term::ansicolor;


my $binstr = "bin.x86_64";

my $dir = '/rapid/rapid_workspaces/jxu/jxu_rtc_new/fusion/sw';

print ("fusion dir is :$dir\n");

my $wantedfiles = 0;

my $processedfs =0;

my $target = 'valgrind.log';

my $processedfiles = 'valgrindprocessfiles.log';

system ("rm -f $processedfiles"); #remove it

system ("touch $processedfiles"); #create it

print ("processedfiles file is :$processedfiles\n");

system ("rm -f $target"); #remove it

system ("touch $target"); #create it

print ("target file is :$target\n");

sub process_files $/} readdir(dir); #exclude . or .. directory

closedir (dir);

@files = map @files;


else # this a file we found

} }}

print "\nvalgrind unit tests start...\n";

for (my $num =0; $num <3; $num++)

print "\nvalgrind unit tests now start...\n";

#really starts recursively start#

open (processedfiles,'>>',"$processedfiles") or die "couldn't open the file : $!"; # open a file with open command


close processedfiles;

close file;

my $editor ="vi "; # finally we open the result file

my $pideditor = fork();

if ($pideditor ==0)

my $pideditor2 = fork();

if ($pideditor2 ==0)

其中,使用到了sub routine : process_files, 具體**如下:

sub process_files $/} readdir(dir); #exclude . or .. directory

closedir (dir);

@files = map @files;


else # this a file we found


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