Perl DBI 自動選擇更新部分欄位的值

2021-06-21 09:19:45 字數 1105 閱讀 1598



use strict;

use dbi;

use constant ;

# 連線到資料庫

my $dbh = dbi->connect("dbi:sqlite:dbname=gspider.db","","",);

# 建立表

#$dbh->do("create table test(id int primary key, number, name)");

# 插入資料

#$dbh->do("insert into test values(1,6838472,'a')");

#$dbh->do("insert into test values(2,6838472,'e')");

#$dbh->do("insert into test values(3,6838472,'f')");




my $sql = "select * from test";

my $dbconn = $dbh->prepare($sql);


my $table = $dbconn->fetchall_arrayref;

my($i, $j);

for $i ( 0 .. $# ) )

print "\n";




sub updatefield


my $sql = sprintf("update test set name= 's' $field where name=%s ",$fieldword,$dbh->quote($name));




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