s.rpartition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)
search for the separator sep in s, starting at the end of s, and return
the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it. if the
separator is not found, return two empty strings and s.
s.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)
search for the separator sep in s, and return the part before it,
the separator itself, and the part after it. if the separator is not
found, return s and two empty strings.
>>> a = 'changzhi1990'
>>> a.rpartition('h')
('changz', 'h', 'i1990')
可以看到返回了乙個三元的tuple,分別是『h』 的左邊的字串,分割符『h』本身,和分割符『h』的右邊的字串。注意:r 代表從右向左開始匹配。
>>> a = 'changzhi1990'
>>> a.partition('h')
('c', 'h', 'angzhi1990')
MapReduce的分割槽 (Partition)
分割槽的概念 在mapreduce中,資料進行map轉換後,預設根據map後資料的key值進行雜湊派發,同乙個分割槽的資料傳送到同乙個reduce中去處理。但實際中,這種方式不是高效的,並且有時並不能滿足我們的需求。所以我們需要自定義分割槽方式,根據自己的需求,選擇記錄的reducer。進行自定義分...
spark按照key分割槽 partitionBy
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python的包 python的包
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