select papf.employee_number employee_number,
papf.last_name last_name, --員工姓名
papf.*** gender, --性別
papf.national_identifier national_identifier, --省份證號碼
hl.meaning marital_status, --婚姻狀況
papf.email_address email_address, --email位址,
fdfct.descriptive_flex_context_name || '.' ||
pa.address_line1 || '.' ||
pa.address_line2 || '.' ||
hla.meaning || '.' ||
pa.postal_code || '.' ||
pa.telephone_number_1 || '.' ||
pa.telephone_number_2 employee_address,
papf.effective_start_date per_effective_start_date, --人員日期自
papf.effective_end_date per_effective_end_date, --人員日期至 organization_name, --組織名稱
paaf.primary_flag primary_flag, --主分配標識
paaf.assignment_number assignment_number, --員工分配編號 job_name, --職務名稱 position_name, --職位名稱
paaf.effective_start_date ass_effective_start_date, --分配日期自
paaf.effective_end_date ass_effective_end_date --分配日期至
from per_all_people_f papf, --員工基本資訊表
per_all_assignments_f paaf, --員工分配表
per_jobs pj, --員工職務
per_jobs_tl pjt, --員工職務多語言表
per_all_positions pap, --員工職位表
hr_all_positions_f_tl hapft, --員工職位多語言表
hr_lookups hl, --**
hr_all_organization_units haou, --組織資訊,
fnd_territories_tl ftt, --地區
fnd_descr_flex_contexts_tl fdfct, --彈性域內容
hr_lookups hla, --位址**
per_addresses pa --位址資訊
where papf.person_id = paaf.person_id(+)
and paaf.job_id = pj.job_id(+)
and pj.job_id = pjt.job_id(+)
and pjt.language(+) = userenv('lang')
and paaf.position_id = pap.position_id(+)
and pap.position_id = hapft.position_id(+)
and hapft.language(+) = userenv('lang')
and paaf.primary_flag = 'y'
and papf.marital_status = hl.lookup_code(+)
and hl.lookup_type(+) = 'mar_status'
and paaf.organization_id = haou.organization_id(+)
and (sysdate between papf.effective_start_date and
and (sysdate between paaf.effective_start_date and
and papf.person_id = pa.person_id(+)
and = ftt.territory_code(+)
and = fdfct.descriptive_flex_context_code(+)
and fdfct.descriptive_flexfield_name(+) = 'address structure'
and fdfct.language(+) = userenv('lang')
and hla.lookup_type(+) = 'address_type'
and pa.address_type = hla.lookup_code(+)
and ftt.language(+) = userenv('lang')
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