private function fieldname(strfieldname as string) as string
select case strfieldname
case "卡號"
fieldname = "cardno"
case "姓名"
fieldname = "studentname"
case "上級時間"
fieldname = "ontime"
case "上級日期"
fieldname = "ondate"
case "與"
fieldname = "and"
case "或"
fieldname = "or"
case "機房號"
fieldname = "computer"
end select
private sub command1_click()
dim mrc as adodb.recordset
dim txtsql as string
dim msgstring as string
dim txtsql1 as string
dim txtsql2 as string
dim txtsql3 as string
txtsql1 = "select * from online where " & " " & fieldname(cmbletter1.text) & cmboperate1.text & "'" & txtenquire1 & "'"
txtsql2 = "select * from online where " & " " & fieldname(cmbletter1.text) & cmboperate1.text & "'" & txtenquire1.text & "'" + fieldname(cmbcombination1.text) & " " & fieldname(cmbletter2.text) & cmboperate2.text & "'" & txtenquire2 & "'"
txtsql3 = "select * from online where " & " " & fieldname(cmbletter1.text) & cmboperate1.text & "'" & txtenquire1.text & "'" & " " & fieldname(cmbcombination1.text) & " " & _
fieldname(cmbletter2.text) & cmboperate2.text & "'" & txtenquire2.text & "'" & " " & fieldname(cmbcombination1.text) & " " & _
fieldname(cmbletter3.text) & cmboperate3.text & "'" & txtenquire3 & "'"
if not testtxt(cmbcombination1.text) then '
txtsql = txtsql1
else ' ------------------------當有兩種條件時-----
if not testtxt(cmbletter2.text) or not testtxt(cmboperate2.text) or not testtxt(txtenquire2.text) then
msgbox "請輸入完整的查詢條件", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "提示"
if not testtxt(cmbcombination2.text) then '情況2 組合2為空
txtsql = txtsql2
else '--------------------------以下是:兩個組合關係都有內容
if not testtxt(cmbletter3.text) or not testtxt(cmboperate3.text) or not testtxt(txtenquire3.text) then
msgbox "請輸入完整的查詢條件", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "提示"
txtsql = txtsql3
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgstring)
if mrc.eof then
msgbox "尚無記錄!", vbokonly + vbexclamation, "提示"
with msflexgrid1
.rows = 1
.cols = 5
.cellalignment = 4
.textmatrix(0, 0) = "卡號"
.textmatrix(0, 1) = "姓名"
.textmatrix(0, 2) = "上機日期"
.textmatrix(0, 3) = "上機時間"
.textmatrix(0, 4) = "機房號"
end with
do while not mrc.eof
with msflexgrid1
.rows = .rows + 1
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 0) = mrc.fields(0)
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 1) = mrc.fields(3)
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 2) = mrc.fields(6)
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 3) = mrc.fields(7)
.textmatrix(.rows - 1, 4) = mrc.fields(8)
end with
end if
end sub
前言 組合查詢是機房的另乙個重點 涉及到的窗體有 學生基本資訊維護 學生上機資訊統計 操作員工作記錄。邏輯 問題及重點 1.呼叫函式的目的是使得漢字與表中字段進行轉化 例 sql語句的姓名應該是student name,而 中新增的是文字 combo3.additem 姓名 通過函式可以將兩者進行轉...
機房收費系統 組合查詢
機房收費系統在磕磕絆絆中過來了,這期間遇到問題,解決問題,最後收穫的特別多,在敲得過程中,不斷的學習新知識,應該說組合查詢是收費系統的乙個小難點了吧,起初我是真的不知道該從 下手,總是有種剪不斷理還亂的感覺,分析分析就繞進去了,我總是把問題想的很複雜,其實只要一句 語句,一切都解決了,根本用不到好多...
機房收費系統 組合查詢