-- 多資料插入表
insert into es_status_s (touroperator, iff_objektlog, iff_mit_describe, iff_ohne_describe)
values ('jum', (select number from jumpreview where id like '2'),
(select number from jumpreview where id like '7'),
(select number from jumpreview where id like '6') );
-- 插入另一表的統計資料
insert into jumpreview
select '5', count(distinct leistungscodierung) , 'offer without describe'
from jumnodescribe_accomcode;
-- 選擇資料插入其他的表
insert into `ctrip_master_hotel`
select `masterhotelid_ctrip`,`hotelname_zhcn`,`hotelname`,`city_zhcn`,`city`,`country_zhcn`,`country`,`address_zhcn`,`address`,`hotelid_fr`,`description_zhcn`
from `fr_hotel_zhcn`
新建表 create
drop table if exists jumpreview;
-- 使用 union 得到不同表的資料,建立新錶
create table jumpreview
select "1" as 'id', count(*) as 'number' , 'count objektlog_es' as explaination from objektlog_es where veranstalter='jum'
select "2", count(distinct iff), 'number of iff in objektlog_es' from objektlog_es where veranstalter='jum' and iff<>0 and iff<>888888 and iff is not null
select "3", count(*) , 'count hotelinfo' from hotelinfoboxvacrs where touroperator='jum'
select "4", count(distinct iff) , 'number of iff in hotelinfo' from hotelinfoboxvacrs where touroperator='jum' and iff<>0 and iff<>888888 and iff is not null;
#accomcode in objectlog not in hotelinfoboxvacrs
drop table if exists jumnodescribe_accomcode;
create table jumnodescribe_accomcode select distinct objektlog_es.leistungscodierung , objektlog_es.iff
from objektlog_es left join hotelinfoboxvacrs
on hotelinfoboxvacrs.touroperator = objektlog_es.veranstalter and hotelinfoboxvacrs.accomcode = objektlog_es.leistungscodierung
where objektlog_es.veranstalter='jum' and hotelinfoboxvacrs.accomcode is null;
#iff in objectlog not in hotelinfoboxvacrs
drop table if exists jumnodescribe_iff;
create table jumnodescribe_iff select distinct objektlog_es.leistungscodierung , objektlog_es.iff
from objektlog_es left join hotelinfoboxvacrs
on hotelinfoboxvacrs.touroperator = objektlog_es.veranstalter and hotelinfoboxvacrs.iff = objektlog_es.iff
where objektlog_es.veranstalter='jum' and objektlog_es.iff is not null and hotelinfoboxvacrs.iff is null ;
#offer without describe, not send by tour oeprator
insert into jumpreview select '5', count(distinct leistungscodierung) , 'offer without describe' from jumnodescribe_accomcode;
#iff without describe,
insert into jumpreview select '6', count(distinct iff), 'iff without describe' from jumnodescribe_iff;
/*select distinct objektlog_es.iff
from objektlog_es left join hotelinfoboxvacrs
on hotelinfoboxvacrs.touroperator = objektlog_es.veranstalter and hotelinfoboxvacrs.iff = objektlog_es.iff
where objektlog_es.veranstalter='jum' and objektlog_es.iff is not null and hotelinfoboxvacrs.iff is null ;
*/#iff with describe
insert into jumpreview select '7', (select number from jumpreview where id like '2') - (select number from jumpreview where id like '6'), 'iff with describe';
/*select distinct objektlog_es.iff
from objektlog_es left join hotelinfoboxvacrs
on hotelinfoboxvacrs.touroperator = objektlog_es.veranstalter and hotelinfoboxvacrs.iff = objektlog_es.iff
where objektlog_es.veranstalter='jum' and objektlog_es.iff is not null and hotelinfoboxvacrs.iff is not null ;
*/#add status
insert into es_status_s (touroperator, iff_objektlog, iff_mit_describe, iff_ohne_describe)
values ('jum', (select number from jumpreview where id like '2'),(select number from jumpreview where id like '7'), (select number from jumpreview where id like '6') );
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使用mysql用union並子集中用order by排序順序會混亂 1.select id from a order by start time asc union all select id from b order by start time desc limit 0,20 這樣的寫法會導致排序...
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