傳送arp包自然少不了對資料鏈路層的直接操作, linux下有多種方式,下面**依據af_packet實現。具體**如下:
#ifndef _arp_attack_h
#define _arp_attack_h
#include #include #include typedef struct _addr_t addr_t;
/*** get the ip address from the ip range
** reutrn: a linklist of address
*/addr_t *get_ip_range (char *low, char *high);
/*** description: free the linklist
*/void free_addr (addr_t *head);
/*** send free arp
*/void send_free_arp (addr_t *head);
void send_request_arp (addr_t *head);
void get_lan_mac (addr_t *head);
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "arp_attack.h"
void send_request_arp (addr_t *head)
short src_mac = ;
char *src_ip_addr = "";
struct ether_header eth_hdr;
memset (ð_hdr, 0, sizeof (struct ether_header));
eth_hdr.ether_dhost[0] = dgt_mac[0];
eth_hdr.ether_dhost[1] = dgt_mac[1];
eth_hdr.ether_dhost[2] = dgt_mac[2];
eth_hdr.ether_dhost[3] = dgt_mac[3];
eth_hdr.ether_dhost[4] = dgt_mac[4];
eth_hdr.ether_dhost[5] = dgt_mac[5];
eth_hdr.ether_shost[0] = src_mac[0];
eth_hdr.ether_shost[1] = src_mac[1];
eth_hdr.ether_shost[2] = src_mac[2];
eth_hdr.ether_shost[3] = src_mac[3];
eth_hdr.ether_shost[4] = src_mac[4];
eth_hdr.ether_shost[5] = src_mac[5];
eth_hdr.ether_type = htons (ethertype_arp);
/* now create the arp packet */
struct ether_arp arp;
memset (&arp, 0, sizeof (struct ether_arp));
arp.ea_hdr.ar_hrd = htons (arphrd_ether);
arp.ea_hdr.ar_pro = htons (0x0800);
arp.ea_hdr.ar_hln = 6;
arp.ea_hdr.ar_pln = 4;
arp.ea_hdr.ar_op = htons (arpop_request);
int fd;
fd = socket (af_inet, sock_packet, htons (eth_p_arp));
if (fd < 0)
struct sockaddr sa;
memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr));
strcpy (sa.sa_data, "wlan0");
char buf[60] = ;
int hdr_len = sizeof (struct ether_header);
int result;
struct in_addr src_addr;
memset (&src_addr, 0, sizeof (struct in_addr));
inet_aton (src_ip_addr, &src_addr);
addr_t *p;
for (p = head; null != p; p= p->next)
close (fd);
編譯環境:gcc version 4.7.2 20121109 (red hat 4.7.2-8) (gcc)
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