acl = association for computational linguistics(計算語言學協會)
afnlp = asian federation of natural language processing(亞洲自然語言處理聯盟)
ai = artificial intelligence(人工智慧)
alpac = automated language processing advisory committee(語言自動處理諮詢委員會)
asr = automatic speech recognition(自動語音識別)
cat = computer assisted/aided translation(計算機輔助翻譯)
cbc = clustering by committee
ccg = combinatory categorial grammar(組合範疇語法)
cicling = international conference on intelligent text processing and computational linguistics(國際智慧型文字處理與計算語言學大會)
cl = computational linguistics(計算語言學)
cobuild = collins birmingham university international language database(柯林斯伯明罕大學國際語言資料庫)
coling = international conference on computational linguistics(國際計算語言學大會)
crf = conditional random fields(條件隨機場)
drs = discourse representation structure(篇章表述結構)
drt = discourse representation theory(篇章表述理論)
eacl = european chapter of the association for computational linguistics
ebmt = example-based machine translation(基於例項的機器翻譯)
em = expectation maximization(期望最大化)
fahqmt = fully automated high-quality machine translation(全自動高質量機器翻譯)
fol = first order logic(一階邏輯)
hamt = human assisted/aided machine translation(人工輔助機器翻譯)
hlt = human language technologies(人類語言技術)
hmm = hidden markov model(隱馬爾科夫模型)
hpsg = head-driven phrase structure grammar(中心語驅動短語結構語法)
ie = information extraction(資訊抽取)
ir = information retrieval(資訊檢索)
ist = information society technologies(資訊社會技術)
kr = knowledge representation(知識表示)
lfg = lexical functional grammar(詞彙功能語法)
lsa = latent semantic analysis(潛在語義分析); linguistics society of america(美國語言學學會)
lsi = latent semantic indexing(潛在語義索引)
maht = machine assised/aided human translation(計算機輔助人工翻譯)
me = maximum entropy(最大熵)
mi = mutual information(互資訊)
ml = machine learning(機器學習)
mrd = machine-readable dictionary(機讀詞典)
mt = mechanical translation/machine translation (機器翻譯)
naacl = north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics
ne = named entity(命名實體)
nealt = northern european association for language technology
ner = named entity recognition(命名實體識別)
nlg = natural language generation(自然語言生成)
nlp = natural language processing(自然語言處理)
nlu = natural language understanding(自然語言理解)
nml = national museum of language
plsa = probabilistic latent semantic analysis(概率潛在語義分析)
pmi = pointwise mutual information(點間互資訊)
pos = part of speech(詞性)
rte = recognising textual entailment
slt = spoken language translation(口語翻譯)
svm = support vector machine(支援向量機)
tag = tree-adjoining grammar(樹鄰接語法)
tinlap = theoretical issues in natural language processing
tla = three-letter acronym(三字母縮略語)
tmi = theoretical and methodological issues (in machine translation)
trec = the text retrieval conference(文字檢索會議)
vsm = vector space model(向量空間模型)
wsd = word sense disambiguation(詞義消歧)
本文根據acl wiki上的 acronyms the abcs of cl and nlp 進行翻譯整理,個別縮略語把握不准沒有翻譯,歡迎補充!acl association for computational linguistics 計算語言學協會 afnlp asian federation ...
NLP 自然語言處理及計算語言學常見縮略語
自然語言處理及計算語言學常見縮略語 acl association for computational linguistics 計算語言學協會 afnlp asian federation of natural language processing 亞洲自然語言處理聯盟 ai artificial...
自然語言處理主要步驟包括 2.詞法分析 對於英文,有詞頭 詞根 詞尾的拆分,名詞 動詞 形容詞 副詞 介詞的定性,多種詞意的選擇。比如diamond,有菱形 棒球場 鑽石3個含義,要根據應用選擇正確的意思。3.語法分析 通過語法樹或其他演算法,分析主語 謂語 賓語 定語 狀語 補語等句子元素。4.語...