varchar(25) mean 25 bytes(octets)
1) 單條語句
verticaconnection conn = dbhelper.getconnection();
idbcommand cmddel = conn.createcommand();
cmddel.commandtype = commandtype.text;
cmddel.commandtext = "delete from dbo.testtable1 where id=:id";
dbhelper.addparameter(cmddel, "id", dbtype.int64, id);
2) 大批量操作
datatable dt = new datatable();
dt.columns.add("id", typeof(int));
dt.columns.add("name", typeof(string));
dt.columns.add("isok", typeof(string));
dt.columns.add("score", typeof(double));
dt.columns.add("score1", typeof(double));
dt.columns.add("score2", typeof(double));
dt.rows.add(new object );
dt.rows.add(new object );
dt.rows.add(new object );
dbhelper.bulkcopy(dt, "dbo.testbulk");
public class dbhelper
public static void addparameter(idbcommand cmd, string parametername, dbtype parametertype, object parameterval)
public static void clearconnection()
}catch (exception ex)
}public static void bulkcopy(datatable dt, string strtablename)
if (dt.columns.count == 0)
listlstfield = new list();
for (int colindex = 0; colindex < dt.columns.count; colindex++)
string strfiledlist = string.format("()", string.join(",", lstfield.toarray()));
const char rowsplit = '\n';
const char colsplit = '\t';
string strcopystatement = string.format("copy from stdin record terminator e'' delimiter e'' enforcelength no commit",
strtablename, strfiledlist, rowsplit, colsplit);
string strtemp = sbtext.tostring();
byte buff = encoding.default.getbytes(strtemp);
using (memorystream ms = new memorystream())
private static string getdatastring(datarow dr, int colindex)
return strval;
}copy dbo.testbulk(id, name, message) from local 'd:\\test.txt' record terminator e'\n' delimiter e'\t' enforcelength exceptions 'd:\\exception_20120807.log';
use copy with the filler keyword to skip the year, month, and day columns from the source file:
copy t(year filler varchar(10),
month filler varchar(10),
day filler varchar(10),
k as to_date(year || month || day, 'yyyymmdd') )
from stdin no commit
skip the autogenid column from the source file
copy t(autogenid filler bigint,
eventvalue )
from stdin no commit
frameset 使用心得
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