facebook folly 編譯安裝

2021-06-07 12:13:17 字數 1065 閱讀 1804

ubuntu 12.04 64-bit

- g++

- automake

- autoconf

- autoconf-archive

- libtool

- libboost1.46-all-dev

- libgoogle-glog-dev

this package has been removed from 12.04 -- use the one from 11.10

- gflags (packages need to be downloaded from below)

- scons (for double-conversion)


除gflags外,均可用 sudo apt-get install安裝

cd 到 double-conversion 目錄,執行以下命令

scons -f sconstruct.double-conversion

bing@ubuntu:~/projects/double-conversion$ scons -f sconstruct.double-conversion

bing@ubuntu:~/projects/folly/folly$ aclocal
bing@ubuntu:~/projects/folly/folly$ autoreconf
bing@ubuntu:~/projects/folly/folly$ automake --add-missing
bing@ubuntu:~/projects/folly/folly$ ldflags=-l/home/bing/projects/double-conversion/ cppflags=-i/home/bing/projects/double-conversion/src/ ./configure
bing@ubuntu:~/projects/folly/folly$ make

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