jack的評審文字單詞之間是以空格」 」或者標準標點符號」,」 「.」 「?」 「!」 「;」作為分隔符的,評審文字內容不超過1024個字元長度。
sample_input:you are students,you should not get the weapon.
sample_output: we are students,we should not get the weapon.
sample_input: you are students,you should not get the weapon.
sample_output: we are students,we should not get the weapon.
sample_input: you are students, you should not get the weapon.
sample_output: we are the students, we should not get the weapon.
#define max_size (1024)
int main(void)
//! 新增自己的業務處理函式
return 0; }
輸入:you are students,you should not get the weapon.
輸出:we are students,we should not get the weapon.
#include #include #include #define max_size (1024)
char upper_to_lower(char chsymbol)
else }
char lower_to_upper(char chsymbol)
else }
//input: char *pszinput, int ninputlen, int ninputsize
//output: char *pszinput
int review(char *pszinput, int ninputlen, int ninputsize)
pszinput[j] = '\0';
//printf("給輸入字串加了空格:<%s>\n", pszinput);
for (i = 0; i < ninputlen; i++)
strcpy(pszinput + i + 4, sztemp);
i = i + 3; //已經處理了3個字元,所以向後向後偏移3.}}
} //將you替換為we
if ((*(pszinput + i + 0) == ' ')
|| (*(pszinput + i + 0) == ',')
|| (*(pszinput + i + 0) == '.')
|| (*(pszinput + i + 0) == '?')
|| (*(pszinput + i + 0) == '!')
|| (*(pszinput + i + 0) == ';')
)*(pszinput + ninputlen - 1) = '\0'; //因為you==》we少了乙個字元,所以\0也應該向前移動一位。
ninputlen = ninputlen - 1;
i = i + 2; //已經處理了2個字元,所以向後向後偏移2.}}
} }//去掉頭部'.'
memset(sztemp, 0x0, max_size * 2);
strcpy(sztemp, pszinput + 1);
strcpy(pszinput, sztemp);
*pszinput = lower_to_upper(*pszinput);
return 0;
}int main(void)
printf("output string is:<%s>\n", szinput);
return 0;
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