python弄這些簡單的email client,http client, tcp client之類的真的很方便,而且windows上也可以直接執行。
python版本比較老時會遇到這種報錯:# import smtplib for the actual sending function
import sys
import getopt
import smtplib
sender = 'sender@***x'
# if there are more than one receiver, you need to ganerate a list.
# receiver = ['a@***x','b@***x']
receiver = ['receiver@***x']
server = 'smtp.mail.***x.cn'
port = '25'
pwd = 'password'
commaspace = ', '
# import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import mimetext
def usage():
usagestr = '''usage: sendemail -c mail_content'''
print usagestr
def main(argv):
# get the email content in the "-c" argv
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "c:")
except getopt.getopterror:
content = ''
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-c':
content = arg
print content
msg = mimetext(content)
msg['subject'] = 'this is the subject'
msg['from'] = sender
msg['to'] = commaspace.join(receiver)
s = smtplib.smtp(server, port)
s.login(sender, pwd)
s.sendmail(sender, receiver, msg.as_string())
if __name__=="__main__":
importerror: no module named mime.text
將這句from email.mime.text import mimetext
改為:from email.mimetext import mimetext
from email.header import header
python電子郵件 Python傳送電子郵件
smtp是傳送郵件的協議,python內建對smtp的支援 smtplib模組和email模組 可以傳送純文字郵件 html郵件以及帶附件的郵件 python的smtplib提供了一種很方便的途徑傳遞電子郵件,對smtp進行了簡單的封裝 傳送純文字郵件 匯入smtplib模組 from smtpli...
源 sendemail.py import smtplib from email.mime.text import mimetext msg mimetext the body of the email is here 這裡是你的信件中的內容 msg from ltoddy 163.com 這裡是傳...
python 傳送電子郵件
from smtplib import smtp from email.header import header from email.mime.text import mimetext 傳送郵件 def send email 請自行修改下面的郵件傳送者和接收者 sender abcdefg 126...