// regop.cpp: implementation of the regop class.
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "regop.h"
#ifdef _debug
#undef this_file
static char this_file=__file__;
#define new debug_new
//// construction/destruction
regop::err regop::setstrvalue(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey, cstring szitem, cstring szvalue)
lrslt = regsetvalueex(hrsltkey, szitem, null, reg_sz,
lpbyte(szvalue.getbuffer(szvalue.getlength())), szvalue.getlength());
if (lrslt != error_success)
if (hmainkey)
if (hrsltkey)
return err_success;
}regop::err regop::getstrvalue(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey, cstring szitem, cstring& szvalue)
lpbyte lpdata = new byte[256];
dword dwtype = reg_sz;
dword dwnum = 256;
long lrslt = regqueryvalueex(hrsltkey, szitem, 0, &dwtype, lpdata, &dwnum);
if (lrslt != error_success)
szvalue = (cstring)lpdata;
if (hmainkey)
if (hrsltkey)
return err_success;
}regop::err regop::addsubkey(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey)
long lrslt = regcreatekey(hmainkey, szsubkey, &hrsltkey);
// long lcrtrslt = regcreatekey(hkey_local_machine, "software\\wzj", &hrsltkey);
if (lrslt != error_success)
if (hrsltkey)
return this->err_success;
}regop::err regop::deletestrvalue(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey, cstring szitem)
lrslt = regdeletevalue(hrsltkey, szitem);
if (lrslt != error_success)
return err_success;
}regop::err regop::deletesubkey(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey)
if (hmainkey)
return err_success;
// regop.h: inte***ce for the regop class.
#if !defined(afx_regop_h__0459ccae_b265_4678_8e70_ce31ba8c2784__included_)
#define afx_regop_h__0459ccae_b265_4678_8e70_ce31ba8c2784__included_
#if _msc_ver > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _msc_ver > 1000
class regop
;enum hkey
virtual ~regop();
err setstrvalue(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey, cstring szitem, cstring szvalue);
err getstrvalue(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey, cstring szitem, cstring& szvalue);
err deletestrvalue(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey, cstring szitem);
err addsubkey(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey);
err deletesubkey(hkey hmainkey, cstring szsubkey);
};#endif // !defined(afx_regop_h__0459ccae_b265_4678_8e70_ce31ba8c2784__included_)
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VC 登錄檔操作
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