這本書介紹了非常多的除錯手段和工具, 其中提到了stress這個簡單的工具,在我們的日常工作中很有用。利用它可以給我們的系統施加cpu,記憶體,io和磁碟的壓力,在模擬極端場景給應用系統造成的壓力方面很有幫助。
stress is a deliberately ****** workload generator for posix systems. it imposes a configurable amount of cpu, memory, i/o, and disk stress on the system. it is written in c, and is free software licensed under the gplv2.這個stress實現非常的簡單,所有的功能在乙個.c檔案裡面實現, 系統執行的時候會fork多個子程序,分別進行cpu,記憶體,io方面的折磨。
$ stress –cpu 2 –io 1 –vm 1 –vm-bytes 128m –timeout 10s –verbosestress: info: [9372] dispatching hogs: 2 cpu, 1 io, 1 vm, 0 hdd
stress: dbug: [9372] (243) using backoff sleep of 12000us
stress: dbug: [9372] (262) setting timeout to 10s
stress: dbug: [9372] (285) –> hogcpu worker 9373 forked
stress: dbug: [9372] (305) –> hogio worker 9374 forked
stress: dbug: [9372] (325) –> hogvm worker 9375 forked
stress: dbug: [9372] (243) using backoff sleep of 3000us
stress: dbug: [9372] (262) setting timeout to 10s
stress: dbug: [9372] (285) –> hogcpu worker 9376 forked
stress: dbug: [9375] (466) hogvm worker malloced 134217728 bytes
stress: dbug: [9372] (382)
stress: dbug: [9372] (382)
stress: dbug: [9372] (382)
stress: dbug: [9372] (382)
stress: info: [9372] successful run completed in 10s
$stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128m --timeout 10d
stress: info: [23176] dispatching hogs: 8 cpu, 4 io, 2 vm, 0 hdd
具體使用可以參考man stress!
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