#purpose: ****** program that exits and returns a
# status code back to the linux kernel
##input: none
##output: returns a status code. this can be viewed
# by typing
## echo $?
## after running the program
# %eax holds the system call number
# %ebx holds the return status
#.section .data
.section .text
.globl _start
movl $1, %eax # this is the linux kernel command
# number (system call) for exiting
# a program
movl $0, %ebx # this is the status number we will
# return to the operating system.
# change this around and it will
# return different things to
# echo $?
int $0x80 # this wakes up the kernel to run
# the exit command
as exit.s -o exit.o然後鏈結這個程式,使用ld命令
ld exit.o -o exit然後執行這個程式
echo $?列印出來確實是0,看來我們前面分析的是正確的。
Linux下彙編學習 1
教材 programming from the ground up 第乙個程式 section data section text globl start start movl 1,eax movl 0,ebx int 0x80 我們給這個名字取名為exit.s,這個程式什麼也沒有做,只是呼叫了li...
Linux 下彙編學習
linux下彙編學習 在ubuntu下用學習組合語言程式設計,在使用ld鏈結時有碰到ld i386 architecture of input file eatsyscall.o is incompatible with i386 x86 64 output的問題。很明顯,root cause 是我...
Linux下彙編學習 4
purpose this program will compute the value of 2 3 5 2 section data section text globl start start pushl 3 pushl 2 call power addl 8,esp pushl eax pus...