外掛程式60 轉換簡訊語言

2021-06-02 00:46:55 字數 653 閱讀 3918

<?php // plug-in 60: replace sms talk

/* * 轉換簡訊語言

* 外掛程式說明:

* 接受乙個字串,如果它包含可識別的簡訊語音縮寫符,就把他們轉換為標準英語語句並返回。

* 它需要以下引數:

* $text 需要處理的文字。

*/// this is an executable example with additional code supplied

// to obtain just the plug-ins please click on the download link

$text = "fyi, afaik imho this is a cool plug-in, lol.";

echo "before: $text

after: " .


function piphp_replacesmstalk($text)

$text = preg_replace($from1, $to1, $text);

return preg_replace($from2, $to2, $text);


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