外掛程式54 傳送聊天資訊

2021-06-02 00:46:55 字數 3222 閱讀 3048

<?php // plug-in 54: post to chat

/* * 外掛程式說明:

* 外掛程式將向乙個聊天室傳送乙個聊天資訊並支援幾個引數。若傳送成功,則本外掛程式返回1,如果檔案不能寫入,則返回-1。

* 如果用泛洪控制阻止乙個重複內容,則返回0。如果$message為空內容或者在$to或者$from裡包含非法符合,則返回-2。

* 本外掛程式需要輸入以下引數:

* $datafile 字串,表示聊天記錄檔案儲存的位置。

* $maxposts 一次可以保留的最多聊天記錄數。

* $maxlength 聊天記錄的最大長度,單位為字元。

* $from 傳送聊天訊息的使用者名稱。

* $to 接收聊天訊息的使用者名稱,如果為空,則表示聊天內容可以公開。

* $message 聊天內容。

* $floodctrl 泛洪控制,如果值為on,同乙個使用者的重複內容不可以重**送$maxposts次。

*/// this is an executable example with additional code supplied

// to obtain just the plug-ins please click on the download link

if (!isset($_post['from']))

$from = $_post['from'];

$to = $_post['to'];

$message = $_post['message'];

$maxposts = 20;

$maxlength = 1024;

$result = piphp_posttochat('chatroom.txt', $maxposts,

$maxlength, $from, $to, $message, 'off');

echo "first posting of message

";echo "message '$message' from user '$from' to user '$to': ";

if ($result == 1) echo "successfully posted";

elseif ($result == -1) echo "not posted (could not access file)";

elseif ($result == -2) echo "no message to post or illegal '|'";

else echo "not posted due to flooding control";

$result = piphp_posttochat('chatroom.txt', $maxposts,

$maxlength, $from, $to, $message, 'off');

echo "

posted again with no flooding control...

";echo "message '$message' from user '$from' to user '$to': ";

if ($result == 1) echo "successfully posted";

elseif ($result == -1) echo "not posted (could not access file)";

elseif ($result == -2) echo "no message to post or illegal '|'";

else echo "not posted due to flooding control";

$result = piphp_posttochat('chatroom.txt', $maxposts,

$maxlength, $from, $to, $message, 'on');

echo "

..and with flooding control

";echo "message '$message' from user '$from' to user '$to': ";

if ($result == 1) echo "successfully posted";

elseif ($result == -1) echo "not posted (could not access file)";

elseif ($result == -2) echo "no message to post or illegal '|'";

else echo "not posted due to flooding control";

function piphp_posttochat($datafile, $maxposts, $maxlength,

$from, $to, $message, $floodctrl)

if ($message == "" || strpos($from, '|') ||

strpos($to, '|')) return -2;

$message = str_replace('|', '|', $message);

$message = substr($message, 0, $maxlength);

$fh = fopen($datafile, 'r+');

if (!$fh) return -1;

flock($fh, lock_ex);


$text = fread($fh, 100000);

if (strtolower($floodctrl) == 'on' &&

strpos($text, "|$to|$from|$message\n"))

$lines = explode("\n", $text);

$temp = explode('|', $lines[$maxposts - 2]);

$text .= ($temp[0] + 1) . "|$to|$from|$message\n";

fseek($fh, 0);

fwrite($fh, $text);

ftruncate($fh, strlen($text));

flock($fh, lock_un);


return 1;


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