
2021-06-01 20:54:56 字數 808 閱讀 9267


select t1.table_name as "表名稱",

t3.comments as "表說明",

t1.column_name as "欄位名稱",

t1.data_type as "資料型別",

t1.data_length as "長度",

t1.nullable as "是否為空",

t2.comments as "字段說明",

t1.data_default "預設值"

from cols t1 left join user_col_comments t2

on t1.table_name=t2.table_name and t1.column_name=t2.column_name

left join user_tab_comments t3

on t1.table_name=t3.table_name

where not exists ( select t4.object_name from user_objects t4

where t4.object_type='table'

and t4.temporary='y'

and t4.object_name=t1.table_name )

order by t1.table_name, t1.column_id;



將oracle中的表構造匯出到word 將oracle中的表結構匯出到word 寫開發文件時要用到資料庫開發的表結構,在網上找到了一段sql語句,經測試完全符合我的需求,不敢獨享,語句如下 www.2cto.com select from select t1.table name as 表名稱 t3...


select 欄位名稱 資料型別 長度 是否為空 字段說明 預設值 from select t1.table name as 表名稱 t3.comments as 表說明 t1.column name as 欄位名稱 t1.data type as 資料型別 t1.data length as 長度...


select 表名 case when a.colorder 1 then d.name else end,表說明 case when a.colorder 1 then isnull f.value,else end,字段序號 a.colorder,欄位名 a.name,標識 case when ...