
2022-09-04 09:51:08 字數 873 閱讀 7066

select "欄位名稱","資料型別","長度","是否為空","字段說明","預設值" from (

select t1.table_name as "表名稱",

t3.comments as "表說明",

t1.column_name as "欄位名稱",

t1.data_type as "資料型別",

t1.data_length as "長度",

t1.nullable as "是否為空",

t2.comments as "字段說明",

t1.data_default "預設值"

from cols t1 left join user_col_comments t2

on t1.table_name=t2.table_name and t1.column_name=t2.column_name

left join user_tab_comments t3

on t1.table_name=t3.table_name

where not exists ( select t4.object_name from user_objects t4

where t4.object_type='table'

and t4.temporary='y'

and t4.object_name=t1.table_name )

order by t1.table_name, t1.column_id

)k where k."表名稱" = 'rdm_auth_attribute_group';

直接將sql拷貝 然後將最後一行中rdm_auth_attribute_group修改為需要匯出的表名稱即可 然後將查詢的結構複製到word文件的**中即可


今天有同事打 要求要把oracle庫里的一張表的定義匯出個sql檔案,當時的第一反應就是要教他用exp imp來獲得表結構定義檔案,在 裡面說了半天還是沒能教會他,只好跑了一趟機房。路上就在想,oracle真是討厭,為什麼不在企業管理器裡直接加上個表結構匯出的選項,還要害我這麼跑一趟,真是 問了下要...


1 exp username password rows n indexes n compress n buffer 65536 feedback 100000 owner username file d username date dmp 2 exp username password rows ...

資料庫遷移 oracle表結構資料匯出 匯入

dba登入 sqlplus as sysdba 建立表空間 create temporary tablespace db temp tempfile c oracledb oradata orcl db temp.dbf size 32m autoextend on next 32m maxsize...