leak cause
detected by tomcat
fixed by tomcat
possible enhancements
custom threadlocal class
>= 7.0.6
>= 7.0.6 no
>= 7.0.6
threadlocal pseudo-leak
>= 7.0.6
in 6.0.24-6.0.26 timerthread are stopped but it may lead to problems. optional from 6.0.27 with the clearreferencesstoptimerthreads flag. other threads may be stopped with the clearreferencesstopthreads flag, but it's unsafe.
contextclassloader / threads spawned by classes loaded by the common classloader
in 6.0.24-6.0.26 timerthread are stopped but it may lead to problems. optional from 6.0.27 with the clearreferencesstoptimerthreads flag. other threads may be stopped with the clearreferencesstopthreads flag, but it's unsafe.
fix the offending code (set the correct ccl when spawning the thread)
contextclassloader / threads spawned by jre classes
no >=6.0.24 pre-spawns some known offenders
static class variables
no > 6.0.? . disabled by default with tomcat 7
> 6.0.?
jdbc driver registration
> 6.0.?
> 6.0.?
rmi target
> 6.0.?
PHPExcel 記憶體洩漏問題
網上關於記憶體洩露的問題大都是再說匯出的時候,可這次我遇到的偏偏是匯入的時候。當然,只是針對excel2007格式的文件。我測試過,乙個大概31列 500行的文件,實行匯入之後,php會報如下錯誤 fatal error allowed memory size of 209715200 bytes ...
編譯 執行下列程式後。從輸出結果發現沒有呼叫 class y 的析構函式,出現了記憶體洩漏。請嘗試修改class x類的定 決這個記憶體洩露問題。並提交定義class x類的 class x x private int p include using namespace std 你提交的 將嵌入到這...