VBA 讀檔案和寫檔案方法

2021-05-24 06:42:03 字數 966 閱讀 9180


function readtextintoexcel(path as string)

rowindex = 11

open path for input as #1 '

do while not eof(1) '

line input #1, currline

rowdataarr = split(currline, chr(9))』各資料之前以tab隔開的csv檔案

for i = 0 to ubound(rowdataarr)

cells(rowindex, i + 3) = rowdataarr(i)

next i

rowindex = rowindex + 1


close #1

exit function

end function


function writeinfointotxtfile(fullpath as string)

rowindex = 11

open fullpath for output as #1

do while sheet1.cells(rowindex, 3) <> ""

print #1, sheet1.cells(rowindex, 3) & chr(9) & _

sheet1.cells(rowindex, 4) & chr(9) & _

sheet1.cells(rowindex, 5) & chr(9) & _

sheet1.cells(rowindex, 6) & chr(9) & _

sheet1.cells(rowindex, 7) & chr(9) & _

sheet1.cells(rowindex, 8)

rowindex = rowindex + 1


close #1

end function

Python讀檔案 寫檔案

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