capability none需要包含兩個標頭檔案library touchfeedback.lib
class cimageconvertercontainer : public ccoecontrol,
public mcoecontrolobserver, public maknlongtapdetectorcallback
* etouchfeedbacknone - use for disabling feedback for some areas of the當使用觸控筆或手指劃過按下螢幕時即可得到震動反饋。* window when using area registry.
** etouchfeedbackbasic - use as default feedback for pen down events.
* for example, pressing a button or tab.
** etouchfeedbacksensitive - sensitive feedback situations
* where the triggering action is not very
* important (e.g. change focus in list), or when
* there can be a large amount of feedback in
* a short time (e.g. text selection which gives
* feedback on every new selected character).
* also used for scrolling and dragging.
在應用程式中宿主mef其實非常簡單,只需要建立乙個組合容器物件 compositioncontainer 的例項,然後將需要組合的部件 parts 和當前宿主程式新增到容器中即可。首先需要新增mef框架的引用,既system.componentmodel.composition.dll,詳細如下 塊...
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