select path||'%' from t_category where depth = 0 and type = 0
比如path是/1001/的話 那結果就是/1001/%
select 'a'+'b'
select "a"+"1" 結果為1
select "a"+1 結果為1
select 2+1 結果為3
|| string concatenation
* arithmetic multiply
/ arithmetic divide
% arithmetic modulus
+ arithmetic add
– arithmetic subtract
<< bitwise right shift
>> bitwise left shift
& logical and
| logical or
< relational less than
<= relational less than or equal to
> relational greater than
>= relational greater than or equal to
= relational equal to
== relational equal to
<> relational not equal to
!= relational not equal to
in logical in
and logical and
or logical or
like relational string matching
glob relational filename matching
border 1 class box 標籤名稱th 是否顯示th 標籤順序th tr thead 首頁td class check 是option 否option select td class number 1option 2option 3option 4option 5option 6opti...
給定兩個字串s1和s2,合併成乙個新的字串s。合併規則為,s1的第乙個字元為s的第乙個字元,將s2的最後乙個字元作為s的第二個字元 將s1的第二個字元作為s的第三個字元,將s2的倒數第二個字元作為s的第四個字元,以此類推。包含多組測試資料,每組測試資料報含兩行,代表長度相等的兩個字串s1和s2 僅由...
本文總結記錄linux c中有關字串的拼接方法,strncat 和 snprintf 函式 一 strncat 實現字串拼接 char strncat char dest,const char src,size t n 宣告,n 為 src 字串長度 char strncat char dest,c...