vc 中新增 時間控制項,尤其是小時分鐘控制項

2021-05-22 17:52:03 字數 1650 閱讀 6996

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插入 microsoft date and time picker control 控制項

然後 controls裡面就會多出乙個控制項來,

拉乙個到對話方塊中,  其id為 idc_datetimepicker1



沒有必要去insert 額外的控制項,

vc自帶的標準控制項 date time picker 就足夠了。


void cdatesdlg::onbutton2()

element description

"d" the one- or two-digit day.

"dd" the two-digit day. single-digit day values are preceded by a zero.

"ddd" the three-character weekday abbreviation.

"dddd" the full weekday name.

"h" the one- or two-digit hour in 12-hour format.

"hh" the two-digit hour in 12-hour format. single-digit values are preceded by a zero.

"h" the one- or two-digit hour in 24-hour format.

"hh" the two-digit hour in 24-hour format. single-digit values are preceded by a zero.

"m" the one- or two-digit minute.

"mm" the two-digit minute. single-digit values are preceded by a zero.

"m" the one- or two-digit month number.

"mm" the two-digit month number. single-digit values are preceded by a zero.

"mmm" the three-character month abbreviation.

"mmmm" the full month name.

"t" the one-letter am/pm abbreviation (that is, am is displayed as "a").

"tt" the two-letter am/pm abbreviation (that is, am is displayed as "am").

"yy" the last two digits of the year (that is, 1996 would be displayed as "96").

"yyyy" the full year (that is, 1996 would be displayed as "1996").

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