select name from sysobjects o, syscomments s
where o.id = s.id
and text like '%報錯內容%'
and o.xtype = 'p'
如果是觸發器把o.xtype 改為:tr
select routine_name, routine_definition
from information_schema.routines
where routine_definition like '%你要查詢的內容%'
and routine_type='procedure'
with tr as (
select name from sysobjects o, syscomments s
where o.id = s.id
and text like '%報錯內容%'
and o.xtype = 'tr'
),tr_table as (select triggers.name as tr_name,tables.name as table_name,triggers.is_disabled as jy_yn,
triggers.is_instead_of_trigger as tr_type,
case when triggers.is_instead_of_trigger = 1 then 'instead of'
when triggers.is_instead_of_trigger = 0 then 'after'
else null
end as tr_ms
from sys.triggers triggers
inner join sys.tables tables on triggers.parent_id = tables.object_id
where triggers.type ='tr'
--order by triggers.create_date
)select * from tr a
left join tr_table b on a.name=tr_name
SQL 查詢存在某內容的儲存過程都有哪些
查詢存在某錶名的儲存過程 select distinct b.name from syscomments a,sysobjects b where a.id b.id and a.text like 你要查詢的表名 查詢存在某內容的儲存過程 select name from sysobjects o...
SQL 查詢存在某內容的儲存過程都有哪些
查詢存在某錶名的儲存過程 select distinct b.name from syscomments a,sysobjects b where a.id b.id and a.text like 你要查詢的表名 查詢存在某內容的儲存過程 select name from sysobjects o...
SQL之查詢某幾行記錄 分頁查詢
oracle 1 查詢前10行 select from sc objects where rownum 10 2 利用minus 查詢10到20行 select from sc objects where rownum 20 minus select from sc objects where ro...