-- select * from std_mes_shipdata ;
--set serveroutput on ;
create or replace package xxoutput
as type mycrs is ref cursor ;
procedure xxfnsoutput ( cur out mycrs ) ;
end ;
create or replace package body xxoutput
as procedure xxfnsoutput ( cur out mycrs )
is tmpsqlstring varchar2(4000) ;
iloopn number ;
iloopdayth number ;
idaythnow number ;
iloopn := 1 ;
iloopdayth :=1 ;
idaythnow := to_number( substr( to_char ( sysdate,'yyyymmdd' ),7,2 ) ) ;
tmpsqlstring := ' select productsquare ' ;
-- 動態sql :
while iloopdayth <= idaythnow
tmpsqlstring := tmpsqlstring || ', sum( decode ( dayn, '''||to_char( trunc(sysdate,'mm')+(iloopdayth-1),'yyyymmdd' )
||''',qty,0)) as '||'d'
||to_char( trunc(sysdate,'mm')+(iloopdayth-1),'yyyymmdd' ) ;
iloopdayth := iloopdayth +1 ;
end loop ;
-- 附 動態sql的源表:
tmpsqlstring := tmpsqlstring || ' from ( select case substr(trim(product_id),1,1)
when ''f'' then ''4''
when ''w'' then ''5''
when ''m'' then ''6''
end as productsquare,
substr(trim(ship_date),1,8) as dayn,
sum(qty) as qty
from std_mes_shipdata
where substr(trim(ship_date),1,6) = substr( to_char( trunc( sysdate,''mm''),''yyyymmdd'' ),1,6)
group by substr(trim(product_id),1,1) , substr(trim(ship_date),1,8)
order by substr(trim(ship_date),1,8) ) drtbl group by productsquare ' ;
-- 列印最後的sql 語句:
/*while iloopn<=length( trim( tmpsqlstring ) )
dbms_output.put_line( substr( trim( tmpsqlstring ) ,iloopn, 150 ) ) ;
iloopn := iloopn +150 ;
end loop ;
*/open cur for tmpsqlstring ;
end ;
end ;
PL SQL控制語句
本節要點 l 迴圈結構控制語句 pl sql既然是面向過程的程式語言,那麼它就有針對邏輯的控制語句,這些語句在日常的pl sql程式設計中起著很重要的作用,可以完成業務邏輯的框架部分。下面就來介紹pl sql的邏輯控制語句。1選擇結構控制語句 1.1if條件控制語句 條件控制語句就是根據當前某個引數...
PL SQL 迴圈控制語句
判斷語句 if.else declare v age number not null 50 beginif0 v age and v age 18 then dbms output.put line 兒童 elsif 18 v age and v age 30 then dbms output.pu...
根據員工號,查詢員工薪水 declare v empno emp.empno type v sal emp.sal type begin v empno 7369 select sal into v sal from emp where empno v empno dbms output.put l...