1:無order by排序的寫法。(效率最高)
select *
from (select rownum as rowno, t.*
from k_task t
where flight_date between to_date('20060501', 'yyyymmdd') and
to_date('20060731', 'yyyymmdd')
and rownum <= 20) table_alias
where table_alias.rowno >= 10;
--2:有order by排序的寫法。(效率最高)
select *
from (select tt.*, rownum as rowno
from (select t.*
from k_task t
where flight_date between to_date('20060501', 'yyyymmdd') and
to_date('20060531', 'yyyymmdd')
order by fact_up_time, flight_no) tt
where rownum <= 20) table_alias
where table_alias.rowno >= 10;
--3:無order by排序的寫法。(建議使用方法1代替)
select *
from (select rownum as rowno, t.*
from k_task t
where flight_date between to_date('20060501', 'yyyymmdd') and
to_date('20060731', 'yyyymmdd')) table_alias
where table_alias.rowno <= 20
and table_alias.rowno >= 10;
--table_alias.rowno between 10 and 100;
--4:有order by排序的寫法.(建議使用方法2代替)
select *
from (select tt.*, rownum as rowno
from (select *
from k_task t
where flight_date between to_date('20060501', 'yyyymmdd') and
to_date('20060531', 'yyyymmdd')
order by fact_up_time, flight_no) tt) table_alias
where table_alias.rowno between 10 and 20;
--5另類語法。(有order by寫法)
with partdata as(
select rownum as rowno, tt.* from (select *
from k_task t
where flight_date between to_date('20060501', 'yyyymmdd') and
to_date('20060531', 'yyyymmdd')
order by fact_up_time, flight_no) tt
where rownum <= 20)
select * from partdata where rowno >= 10;
--6另類語法 。(無order by寫法)
with partdata as(
select rownum as rowno, t.*
from k_task t
where flight_date between to_date('20060501', 'yyyymmdd') and
to_date('20060531', 'yyyymmdd')
and rownum <= 20)
select * from partdata where rowno >= 10;
SQL 資料庫分頁技術
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