ORACLE等待事件型別 一

2021-05-11 01:57:34 字數 2052 閱讀 8151



oracle等待事件型別【classes of wait events】

每乙個等待事件都屬於某一類,下面給出了每一類等待事件的描述。【every wait event belongs to a class of wait event.

the following list describes each of the wait classes.】

1. 管理類:administrative

此類等待事件是由於dba的管理命令引起的,這些命令要求使用者處於等待狀態,比如,重建索引。【waits resulting from dba

commands that cause users to wait (for example, an index rebuild)】

3. 群集類:cluster

4. 提交確認類:commit

此類等待事件只包含一種等待事件--在執行了乙個commit命令後,等待乙個重做日誌寫確認(也就是log file sync)【this wait class

only comprises one wait event - wait for redo log write confirmation after a commit (that is, 'log file sync')】

5. 併發類:concurrency

此類等待事件是由內部資料庫資源引起的,比如閂鎖。【waits for internal database resources (for example, latches)】

6. 配置類:configuration

此類等待事件是由資料庫或例項的不當配置造成的,比如,重做日誌檔案尺寸太小,共享池的大小等。【waits caused by inadequate

configuration of database or instance resources (for example, undersized log file sizes, shared pool size)】

7. 空閒類:idle

此類等待事件意味著會話不活躍,等待工作。比如,sql * net messages from client。【waits that signify the session is inactive,waiting for work (for example, 'sql*net message from client')】

8. 網路類:network

和網路環境相關的一些等待事件,比如sql* net more data to dblink。【waits related to network messaging (for example,

'sql*net more data to dblink')】

9. other

此類等待事件通常比較少見。【waits which should not typically occur on a system (for example,

'wait for emon to spawn')】

10. 排程類:scheduler

resource manager related waits (for example, 'resmgr: become active')

11. 系統i/o類:system i/o

此類等待事件通過是由後台程序的i/o操作引起的,比如dbwr等待,db file paralle write。【waits for background process io

(for example, dbwr wait for 'db file parallel write')】

12. 使用者i/o類:user i/o

此類等待事件通常是由使用者i/o操作引起的,比如db file sequential read。【waits for user io (for example 'db file sequential read')】




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