動態新增gridView 並繫結資料

2021-05-09 06:28:27 字數 4496 閱讀 4824

using system;

using system.data;

using system.configuration;

using system.collections;

using system.web;

using system.web.security;

using system.web.ui;

using system.web.ui.webcontrols;

using system.web.ui.webcontrols.webparts;

using system.web.ui.htmlcontrols;

using system.collections.generic;

using disdatedal;

using system.data.sqlclient;

public partial class zldxmx : system.web.ui.page


/// 動態新增gridview




public void addgridview(ilistlist7036, int count, string day,ilistlisttype)

for (int j=0;jgv.rowdatabound += new gridviewroweventhandler(gv_rowdatabound);



label lblsname = new label();

lblsname.font.size = 10;

lblsname.height = 20;

lblsname.attributes.add("runat", "server");

lblsname.text = "**名稱(**):" + list7036[0].sname.tostring() + "(" + list7036[0].smybol.tostring() + ")";


label lblf0010 = new label();

lblf0010.font.size = 10;

lblf0010.height = 20;

if (list7036[0].f0010 > 0)



label lblf0110 = new label();

lblf0110.font.size = 10;

lblf0110.height = 20;

lblf0110.text = "" + day + "日成交金額(萬元)*:" + list7036[0].f0020.tostring() + "


//給動態新增的gridview 前新增乙個lable用於顯示異動說明

ilistlistyidong = new list();

label lblshuoming = new label();

lblshuoming.width = 903;

lblshuoming.height = 15;

lblshuoming.font.size = 10;

lblshuoming.backcolor = system.drawing.color.fromname("#b5af94");

lblshuoming.text = "異動說明: ";

if (listtype.count > 1)


lblshuoming.text += listtype[j].tostring() + "/";}}


lblshuoming.text += listtype[0].tostring() + "";



label a = new label();

a.height = 12;

a.width = 903;


this.lblcurrenttime.text = ******dateformate(list7036[0].tdate.tostring());//當前時間

}public string ******dateformate(string date)

void gv_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e)


/// 樣板類產生器,以建立樣板字段


public class gridviewtemplate : itemplate


public void instantiatein(system.web.ui.control container)

void lblxu_databinding(object sender, eventargs e)

}void lblinm_databinding(object sender, eventargs e)

}void lblxingzhi_databinding(object sender, eventargs e)


private void lblsname_databinding(object sender, eventargs e)


///  獲得7035 表中所有的資料


public void bind(string time, string symbol)

string sql2 = "select top 100* from (select top 1000 convert(varchar(10),tdate,120) as tdate,symbol,sname,type,round(f0010,2) as f0010,f0020,f0030,f0040,f0050,f0060,round(f0070/10000,2) as f0070,round(f0080/10000,2) as f0080,f0090,round(f0100,2) as f0100,round(f0110/10000,2) as f0110,round(f0120/10000,2) as f0120,round(f0130,2) as f0130,status,id from tb_7035 a where symbol='" + symbol + "' and tdate='" + time + "' and  type in (select top 1 type from tb_7036 where symbol='" + symbol + "' and tdate='" + time + "' and  f0050='" + dr[0].tostring() + "') and f0040='**'order by f0040 asc,f0070 desc) aa union all select top 100* from (select top 1000 convert(varchar(10),tdate,120) as tdate,symbol,sname,type,round(f0010,2) as f0010,f0020,f0030,f0040,f0050,f0060,round(f0070/10000,2) as f0070,round(f0080/10000,2) as f0080,f0090,round(f0100,2) as f0100,round(f0110/10000,2) as f0110,round(f0120/10000,2) as f0120,round(f0130,2) as f0130,status,id from tb_7035 a where symbol='" + symbol + "' and tdate='" + time + "' and  type in (select top 1 type from tb_7036 where symbol='" + symbol + "' and tdate='" + time + "' and  f0050='" + dr[0].tostring() + "') and f0040='賣出'order by f0040 asc,f0080 desc) aa";

addgridview(get7036data(sql2), count, dr[0].tostring(), listtype);}}


/// 根據sql 語句返回乙個集合




public ilistget7036data(string sql)


}return list7036;



gridview動態新增模板列 這個case 經常會遇到,網上相關資料也不少,但是關於如何動態為新增在模板列中的控制項新增事件卻沒有。本文就是為解決這種情況而寫。如下 gridviewtemplatedemo.aspx xhtml view plain copy page language c au...


using system using system.collections.generic using system.linq using system.web using system.web.ui using system.web.ui.webcontrols using comp.model ...


場景 在使用jquery的方式為元素繫結事件時,我經常使用bind或者click,但這只能為頁面已經載入好的元素繫結事件。像需要用ajax的方式請求遠端資料來動態新增頁面元素時,顯然以上幾種繫結事件的方式是無效的。解決方案 1.7之後也就是1.8開始,就不推薦用live 官方推薦用on 又稱事件委託...