SQL 指令碼一

2021-05-01 07:03:28 字數 1816 閱讀 9419


use master

goif exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='stu1')

drop database stu1

create database stu1 on


log on



use stu1

goif exists (select * from sysobjects where name='stuname')

drop table stuname

create table stuname

(id int primary key identity(1,1) not null,

uid nvarchar(50) ,

addr ntext,

dates datetime)


alter table stuname

add constraint pk_id primary key (id)


alter table stuname

add constraint uq_stuid unique (stuid)


alter table stuname

add constraint df_stuaddr default ('位址不詳') for addr


alter table stuname

add constraint df_dates default (getdate()) for dates


alter table stuname

add constraint ck_stuage

check(stuage between 15 and 40)


alter table stuname

add constraint fk_stuno         

foreign key(stuno) references stuinfo(stuno)


alter table stuname

drop constraint df_stuaddr


use stu1

if not exists (select *

from master.dbo.sysxlogins

where name = 'abc')


exec sp_addlogin 'abc' ,'abc','stu1'

endexec sp_grantdbaccess 'abc'

exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'abc'


use  studb

go/*--為zhangsandbuser分配對錶stuinfo的select, insert, update許可權--*/

grant select, insert, update

on  stuinfo  to  zhangsandbuser 


grant  create  table  to  s26301dbuser


create table gc col1 char 10 drop table gc 處理引數 declare str varchar 100 select str 1,2,3,4,5 插入處理 declare s varchar 8000 select s select replace str,u...


報表 城市 截止開通數 上週開通數 上上週開通數 第一版 select cc.cityname sum t1.storecnt as totalopencnt sum case t2.flag when 1 then t1.storecnt else 0 end as weekopencnt sum...


sql語句有一種特別的用法,相信很多人還不知道,我也是後來學到的,因此拿來跟大家分享下 生成sql指令碼 舉個例子 select 1 from student 如果表中有資料的話,你就會發現查詢的結果會是 根據這個原理,我們可以用來生成sql指令碼,以下就是例項 例項1 乙個簡單的例子 select...