
2021-05-25 16:33:11 字數 1701 閱讀 3980





basic_t as (


select 123 cust_no,'a' am_no, '20091231' start_dt , '29991231' end_dt from dual

union all

select 456,'b', '20100401' start_dt , '29991231' end_dt  from dual

union all

select 789,'c', '20100505' start_dt , '20110101' end_dt  from dual

),   rela_peroid as (


select   t.cust_no

, t.am_no

, case when      t.start_dt <= '20110425'

and t.end_dt > '20110425'

and t.start_dt <= substr('20110425',1,4)-1 || '1231'

and t.end_dt > substr('20110425',1,4) -1 || '1231'

then 'all'

when      t.start_dt <= '20110425'

and  t.end_dt > '20110425'

then '20110425'

when      t.start_dt <= substr('20110425',1,4)-1 || '1231'

and t.end_dt > substr('20110425',1,4)-1 || '1231'

then substr('20110425',1,4)-1 ||'1231'

end stat_dt

from basic_t t


t.start_dt <= '20110425'  --當前

and t.end_dt > '20110425'


or  (

t.start_dt <= substr('20110425',1,4)-1 || '1231' --上年底

and t.end_dt > substr('20110425',1,4)-1 || '1231'

)  )

--select * from rela_peroid;

, one2two as (

select 'all' stat_dt,decode(rownum,1,'20110425',substr('20110425',1,4) -1 || '1231') rp_dt

from dual connect by rownum < 3;

)select   t.cust_no

, t.am_no

, decode(one2two.rp_dt,null,t.stat_dt,one2two.rp_dt) as stat_dt

from rela_peroid t

left join one2two

on t.stat_dt = one2two.stat_dt

order by cust_no


在查詢到資料後,需要根據資料中的某一欄位 a 或者 b 將兩條資料組合成一條,可通過建立乙個新的方法,根據這兩條資料中的某幾個類似於主鍵的字段將這兩條資料組成一條。例如 protected virtual decimal getvarproductprice datatable dt,string ...


資料庫的資料如下 stampday employeecd stamptype stamptime 2007 02 28 2200399 1 08 02 00.000 2007 02 28 2200399 2 18 01 00.000 2007 03 01 2200399 1 08 08 00.000...

MySQL 兩條記錄合併查詢成一條顯示

資料庫資料如下 張三,屬於a部門也屬於b部門,在表裡存的是兩條記錄,但是在頁面上我想要根據人來顯示,在一條記錄裡顯示張三屬於a部門和b部門,張三隻顯一條記錄,不顯示兩條。select t.id,t.code,t.name,max case t.type when a then t.dept name...