create table promotions (
promotion_id integer not null,
promotion_name varchar(72) not null,
description varchar(72),
start_date datetime not null,
end_date datetime not null
insert into promotions values (22,'may madness','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','05-may-98','12-may-98');
insert into promotions values (23,'get ready for summer','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','14-jun-98','21-jun-98');
insert into promotions values (24,'fourth of july','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','29-jun-98','05-jul-98');
insert into promotions values (25,'end of summer','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','16-aug-98','23-aug-98');
在中文的sql server上無法執行。只能更改日期的格式為
insert into promotions values (22,'may madness','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','05-05-98','12-05-98');
insert into promotions values (23,'get ready for summer','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','14-06-98','21-06-98');
insert into promotions values (24,'fourth of july','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','29-06-98','05-06-98');
insert into promotions values (25,'end of summer','put basic scuba diving equipment on sale','16-08-98','23-08-98');
今天同事錄入資訊是,報了個錯,sql異常,說 字元太長,我試了試我這沒事啊!他用的是自己機子上的資料庫,當時很奇怪,後來還是解決了,原因如下 使用如下sql語句,檢視資料庫的字符集編碼,這一列nls characterset select from nls database parameters i...
資料庫字符集問題 1.列出mysql支援的所有字符集 show character set 2.當前mysql伺服器字符集設定 show variables like character set 3.當前mysql伺服器字符集校驗設定 show variables like collation 4....
向mysql資料庫插入漢字的時候,說是data too long 檢視我設定的長度 是varchar 長度100,後來想想可能是字符集的問題,重新設定資料庫的字符集後就ok mysql create database database name character set gbk 或者是utf 8都...
最近做一個專案,需要使用sybase資料庫。基本功能就是從sybase中讀取資訊在頁面顯示。頁面字符集是utf 8 sybase預設字符集是 encgb 本來功能是正常的。最近發現一個問題,在資料庫中儲存一些生僻字後,如果直接用isql在sybase資料庫裡寫是可以正常儲存的。例如 喆,在資料庫裡儲...
mysql 資料庫字符集問題
ubuntu apt get install mysql server.這樣安裝之後,產生的字符集為 utf8 與 latin1的混合。其中,會使介面產生亂碼的變數 character set database 和 character set server 剛好這兩個都是latin1的。其他的是ut...