create procedure sp_records
@year nvarchar(4)
declare @count int,
@yearmonth nvarchar(6),
@month nvarchar(2)
set @count = 0
while @count <12
set @count = @count + 1
if @count <10 set @month = '0'+convert(nvarchar(1),@count)
else set @month = convert(nvarchar(2),@count)
set @yearmonth = @year+@month
if object_id ('..records'+@yearmonth+'') is null
'create table records'+@yearmonth+'(
-- [id] [bigint] identity (1, 1) not null ,
[id] [varchar] (50) not null ,
[rad_id] [int] not null ,
[ip] [varchar] (50) not null ,
[addtime] [varchar] (20) not null
check ([addtime] between '''+@year+'-'+@month+'-01 00:00:00'' and '''+@year+'-'+@month+'-31 23:59:59''),
constraint [pk_records'+@yearmonth+'] primary key
( [id],
) on [primary]
) on [primary]'
) end
declare @view varchar(8000)
set @view = ''
select @view = @view + ' union all select * from [dbo].' + name
from sysobjects
where name like 'records[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9]'
and objectproperty(id,'isusertable')=1
set @view = stuff(@view, 1, 11, '')
if object_id('v_records') is null
set @view = 'create view [v_records] as ' + @view
set @view = 'alter view [v_records] as ' + @view
print (@view)
go --執行
exec sp_records @year='2009'
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