/*** @filename :page.sql.class.php
* @creattime :2009-01-06
* @descrition :此類為sql語句處理類。
* @updatetime-1 :null
* @version :jswweb1.0.0
* @author :fkedwgwy
* @dome :
$sqlc= new sqlpage($sql,$allcount,$pagesize,$page);
select * from (select top 10 * from (select top 270 lsh,ztm,dyzrsm,dyzzfs,cbsm,cbny,ssh,fbsl,jcsl from ts_gcb where ssh like 'c%' order by lsh asc) as inner_tbl order by lsh desc) as outer_tbl order by lsh asc
*/class sqlpage
function getpage()else
}function gettop()else
}/* function getsql()else
//$this->sql_e="select * from ( select top $this->top2 * from ( $this->sql1 ) as asystable order by $this->order desc ) as bsystable order by $this->order asc";
if (strpos($this->sql,"desc"))else
// echo $this->sql_e;
return $this->sql_e;
}*/function getsql()
$sql = preg_replace('/^select/s/i', 'select top ' . ($this->top1) . ' ', $sql);
$sql = 'select * from (select top ' . $this->top2 . ' * from (' . $sql . ') as inner_tbl';
if ($orderby !== false)
$sql .= ') as outer_tbl';
if ($orderby !== false)
echo $sql;
return $sql;}}
php mssql 分頁SQL語句優化 持續影響
複製 如下 php filename page.sql.class.php creattime 2009 01 06 descrition 此類為sql語句www.cppcns.com處理類。updatetime 1 null version jswweb1.0.0 author fkedwgwy ...
連線資料庫 myserver 主機 myuser sa 使用者名稱 mypass 密碼 mydb mssql庫名 s mssql connect myserver,myuser,mypass d mssql select db mydb,s 分頁資訊 biao yongh...
Sql 分頁語句
with temptb as select row number over order by id as rowid,from pagecut select from temptb where rowid between 2 50 and 2 50 50 這是乙個資料分頁方法,從sql2005起就支...