
2021-04-20 21:18:18 字數 679 閱讀 9104

create table  t  (class varchar(2),calldate datetime, callcount int)

insert into t select '1','2005-8-8',40

union all select '1','2005-8-7',6

union all select '2','2005-8-8',77

union all select '3','2005-8-9',33

union all select '3','2005-8-8',9

union all select '3','2005-8-7',21


select * from t

declare @s varchar(8000)

set @s='select calldate '

select @s=@s+',[callcount'+class+']=sum(case when class='''+class+''' then callcount else 0 end)'

from t

group by class

set @s=@s+' from t group by calldate order by calldate desc '


drop table t

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