
2021-04-20 14:13:26 字數 3925 閱讀 9710



>     為輸入命令

#     為注釋說明

> 與 #行間為控制台輸出內容

. 登入


>s***p -s// -yuser,user


>set ssdir=//

>set ssuser=user

>set sspwd=user

>ss cp $

本地連線時問題:unable to open user login file //


. 建立project

>ss create $/commonsolutions

comment for $/commonsolutions:

collection of generate solutions.


# 無選項,要求輸入comment,當前目錄不變

>ss dir


1 item(s)

>ss create $/productsolutions -c"solution of product ." -s


setting current project to $/productsolutions

# -c新增注釋,-s建立project自動跳轉到新建立目錄

>ss dir


no items found under $/productsolutions

. 新增

#vs ide新增   建立好解決方案、工程,將解決方案新增到源**管理

>ss add . -r,把當前目錄的所有檔案及資料夾(包括子資料夾、檔案)新增到當前專案

. label

>ss label -c"initially add at 2008.9.22" -lv1


# 標記當前project

# -v 這個選項是指定要操作的專案的版本,如果要制定label(如果get時),採用引數 -vl, 後面帶label號

>ss label $/commonsolutions/sccfilecleanersln [email protected] -vl080923v1.0 -l080923v1.0 -i-y

# 將刪除label,label comment無法修改

. 指定版本

-v14                    displays version 14.

-vd2-29-92              displays the version dated 2-29-92.

"-vlfinal beta"         displays the version with the label final beta.

. 檢視狀態

>ss status modify.txt

modify.txt          user         exc  08-09-22 19:45


. checkin

>ss checkin modify.txt

$/commonsolutions/utilitiessolution/utilities/modify.txt was checked out from f:/companydev/commonsolutions/utilitiessolution/utilities, not from the current folder.

continue anyway?(y/n)n


f:/>cd f:/companydev/commonsolutions/utilitiessolution/utilities

f:/companydev/commonsolutions/utilitiessolution/utilities>ss checkin modify.txt

comment for modify.txt:

# 不加-c提示輸入comment

. show history

>ss history modify.txt -#3

# 顯示某項的最近3個歷史

>ss history $/ -l

# 檢視目錄中有label的項的歷史

>ss history $/ -l -r

# 檢視目錄中檔案及子目錄中檔案有label的項的歷史

# 加label注釋的時候,說明:標記的物件,狀態,原因,日期

>ss history $/test -vd3/03/95;3:00p~3/03/95;9:00a

# 檢視$/test中3/3/95,9:00a - 3:00p的歷史。時間從大到小

. get

>ss get * -r -vl080923llyv1

# 指定project label, 獲取當前project中檔案包括subprojects

>ss get * -r -vl080923llyv1 -glf:/test/commonsolutions/utilitiessolution2

set f:/test/commonsolutions/utilitiessolution2 as the default folder for project


# 指定本地目錄採用引數 -gl,後面帶本地目錄, 必須保證本地目錄存在, 會提示是否將其設定為預設working folder, 可以用-i-n設定自動回答no

>ss get * -r -vl080923llyv1 -glf:/test/commonsolutions/utilitiessolution2 -i-n

# -w 獲取writeable檔案備份

. view

>ss view modify.txt

. whoami

>ss whoami

. workfold

>ss workfold $/prject c:/project

# note that both the project and the directory are optional. if either one is not specified, the current project or folder is used.

. force_dir

force_dir = true , get的檔案放到設定的work folder中,否這獲取到當前folder

. 注釋

-c         all items receive the same comment

-c-        no comment is used.


[email protected]        uses the contents of file.txt as the comment for all items


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