dim maxbound
maxbound = ubound(arr)
redim preserve arr( maxbound + 1)
arr(maxbound + 1) = newitem
end sub
sub remove( byref arr(),olditem)
dim maxbound,old,temparr(),i
maxbound = ubound(arr)
exits = false
for each old in arr
if old = olditem then maxbound = maxbound -1
if maxbound = ubound(arr) then exit sub
redim temparr(maxbound)
i = 0
for each old in arr
if old <> olditem then
temparr(i) = old
i = i + 1
end if
redim arr( maxbound )
for i = 0 to maxbound
arr(i) = temparr(i)
end sub
sub sort(byref arr())
dim loop1
dim loop2
dim temp
for loop1 = ubound(arr) to 0 step -1
for loop2 = 1 to loop1
if arr(loop2 - 1) > arr(loop2) then
temp = arr(loop2 - 1)
arr(loop2 - 1) = arr(loop2)
arr(loop2) = temp
end if
end sub
aa = array("gg兔","mm兔","bt兔")
document.write "顯示原始陣列" & "
show aa
document.write "新增一條並顯示" & "
show aa
document.write "新增一條並顯示" & "
show aa
document.write "排序並顯示" & "
sort aa
show aa
document.write "刪除一條並顯示" & "
remove aa,"狼皮兔"
show aa
sub show(arr)
for each a in arr
document.write a & "
document.write a & "
end sub
陣列名是陣列元素首位址,可以直接當做實參,可以用指標或方式來當形參接收,都是位址傳遞,形參都是指標方式 include void input int arr void output int arr 這裡得出的大小是4個位元組,證明形參是指標形式 printf n d sizeof arr void ...
用指標做函式引數的好處,首先要理解函式傳參的過程,函式傳參是複製型的,例如 void modify int a a void main int a 5 modify a printf d a 程式執行完之後,a的值還是5,為什麼呢,因為在執行modify函式的時候,是另外開闢了儲存空間,將a的值複製...
在jdk 7 之前,switch 只能支援 byte short char int 這幾個基本資料型別和其對應的封裝型別。switch後面的括號裡面只能放int型別的值,但由於byte,short,char型別,它們會 自動 轉換為int型別 精精度小的向大的轉化 所以它們也支援。注意,對於精度比i...