
2021-04-19 23:39:09 字數 1722 閱讀 4865


* 其中類的操作參看clscomposefiles這個類,而檔案索引結構參看fileindex這個structure。

* *

*/namespace composefiles

// get file name

byte bfilename = encoding.unicode.getbytes(fi.name);

// write file name

fswriter.write(bfilename, 0, bfilename.length);

const int buffer_length = 1024;

byte bbuffer = new byte[buffer_length];

int nrealread = 0;

// write data using

do while (nrealread > 0);

// close file reader


fileindex finew = new fileindex();

finew.namestartpos = filestartpos;

finew.namelength = bfilename.length;

finew.filestartpos = filestartpos + bfilename.length;

finew.filelength = fi.length;

// go back to file index position

fswriter.seek(indexstartpos + index * 32, seekorigin.begin);

// write file index info

fswriter.write(fileindex.converttobytes(ref finew), 0, 32);

// go back to file end

fswriter.seek(0, seekorigin.end);

// set file current position

filestartpos += bfilename.length + fi.length;


/// decompose file to multi files into specific directory





public bool decomposefile(string sfilename, string sdestdir)

// read file count

byte bfilecount = new byte[8];

int nrealread = 0;

nrealread = fsreader.read(bfilecount, 0, 8);

if (nrealread != 8)

protected void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e)

{clscomposefiles mycomposefiles = new clscomposefiles();


mycomposefiles.decomposefile(@"e:/ffff/admin_css.css", @"e:/ffff/ddd/");


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