sub 反選()
dim raddress as string, taddress as string
raddress = selection.address
taddress = activesheet.usedrange.address
with sheets.add
.range(taddress) = 0
.range(raddress) = "=0"
raddress = .range(taddress).specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants, 1).address
end with
end sub
2 1 使用select方法選定單元格區域 選中工作表 sheets sheet2 activate 選中區域 sheets sheet2 range a1 b10 select 2 2 使用activate方法選定單元格區域 sub rngactivate sheets sheet2 activa...
資料列表的全選 反選以及批量操作
html部分 1 全選的checkbox 2 每條資料前邊的checkbox js 部分 全選與反選 all columnid on click function console.log check value check value grep check value,function n if c...
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