create proc up_gettopiclist
@a_strforumid varchar(50) ,
@a_intpageno int ,
@a_intpagesize int
declare @intbeginid int
declare @intendid int
declare @introotrecordcount int
declare @intpagecount int
declare @introwcount int
set nocount on
select @introotrecordcount = count(*) from bbs_topic where fatherid=0 and forumid=@a_strforumid
if (@introotrecordcount = 0) --如果沒有貼子,則返回零
return 0
if (@a_intpageno - 1) * @a_intpagesize > @introotrecordcount
return (-1)
set @introwcount = (@a_intpageno - 1) * @a_intpagesize + 1
set rowcount @introwcount
select @intbeginid = rootid from bbs_topic where fatherid=0 and forumid=@a_strforumid
order by tid desc
set @introwcount = @a_intpageno * @a_intpagesize
set rowcount @introwcount
select @intendid = rootid from bbs_topic where fatherid=0 and forumid=@a_strforumid
order by tid desc
set rowcount 0
set nocount off
select a.tid , a.layer , a.forumid , a.subject , a.faceid , a.hits , a.posttime , a.userid , a.fatherid , a.rootid ,
'bytes' = datalength(a.content) , b.loginname , , b.homepage , b.signature , b.point
from bbs_topic as a join bbs_user as b on a.userid = b.uid
where forumid=@a_strforumid and a.rootid between @intendid and @intbeginid
order by a.rootid desc , a.ordernum desc
--select @@rowcount
分頁!!';return true">
分頁儲存過程 分頁儲存過程
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