
2021-04-12 16:43:04 字數 1698 閱讀 8834

create procedure pro_select

@pageindex  int,

@pagesize  int


select student.sno,student.sname,student.s*** ,grade.math,grade.physics,grade.huaxue,grade.chinese,grade.english

from student,grade

where student.sno=grade.sno

*/declare @numresults int

select  @numresults = count(student.sno)

from student,grade

where student.sno=grade.sno

if (@pageindex >= 0 and @pageindex < ((@numresults/@pagesize) +1))


declare @pagelowerbound int --查詢記錄開始處

declare @pageupperbound int --查詢記錄結束處

declare @rowstoreturn int   --返回的實際記錄數

-- first set the rowcount

-- 設定返回的實際記錄數

set @rowstoreturn = @pagesize * (@pageindex + 1)

set rowcount @rowstoreturn

-- set the page bounds

-- 設定查尋範圍

set @pagelowerbound = @pagesize * @pageindex

set @pageupperbound = @pagelowerbound + @pagesize + 1

-- create a temp table to store the select results

-- 建立臨時表存放查詢結果

create table #pageindex

(indexid int identity (1, 1) not null,

id bigint --查詢表的主鍵(可更改1)

)-- insert into the temp table

-- 向臨時表存放查詢表的所有主鍵

insert into #pageindex (id)


student.sno --(可更改2)

from --(可更改3)


where student.sno=grade.sno

select  a.sno,a.sname,a.s*** ,b.math,b.physics,b.huaxue,b.chinese,b.english

from  student a,grade b,#pageindex pageindex


a.sno=b.sno and

a.sno = pageindex.id and --(可更改8)

pageindex.indexid > @pagelowerbound and

pageindex.indexid < @pageupperbound

drop table #pageindex


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