inline hook原理大概如下:
/** krembo.c, demonstration of inline hooking (aka. detouring) within driver/kernel.
* -
// assembly jmp opcode value
#ifndef x86_jmp
#define x86_jmp 0xe9
// number of bytes to overwrite
#ifndef jmp_length
#define jmp_length sizeof(x86_jmp) + sizeof(int)
// size of a page (4k)
#ifndef page_size
#define page_size 0x1000
// pointers macros
#define page_mask(ptr) (ptr & 0xfffff000)
#define offset_in_page(ptr) (ptr - (ptr & 0xfffff000))
// rtlrandom pointer prototype
typedef unsigned long (*rtlrandom)(
unsigned long *seed
);// pointers to duplicated (original) and current versions of rtlrandom
rtlrandom pduprtlrandom;
rtlrandom pcurrtlrandom;
/** detourfunction, detour a function (install detour)
* * pfcnaddr, pointer to the soon-to-be-detoured function
* * ihookaddr, address of the hook function
* * ipooltype, pool type of allocated memory
*/void *detourfunction(char *pfcnaddr, int ihookaddr, int ipooltype)
// duplicate the entire page
rtlcopymemory(porigpage, (char *)page_mask((int)pfcnaddr), page_size);//拷貝函式內容,把函式所在的一整頁都拷貝下來。如果函式不僅僅佔據一頁呢?
// calculate the relocation to `ihookaddr`
ihookaddr -= ((int)pfcnaddr + 5);//ihookaddr = ihookaddr - (pfcnaddr +5) ihookaddr是跳轉的相對位址
// overwrite the first `jmp_length` bytes of pfcnaddr (detour it)
*(pfcnaddr) = x86_jmp;
*(pfcnaddr+1) = (ihookaddr & 0xff);
*(pfcnaddr+2) = (ihookaddr >> 8) & 0xff;
*(pfcnaddr+3) = (ihookaddr >> 16) & 0xff;
*(pfcnaddr+4) = (ihookaddr >> 24) & 0xff;
// return pointer to the duplicate function (within the duplicate page)
return (void *)((int)porigpage + offset_in_page((int)pfcnaddr));//返回我們儲存的函式副本位址(原件)}/*
* myrtlrandom, rtlrandom hook
* * seed, given seed
*/unsigned long myrtlrandom(unsigned long *seed)
/** restoredetouredfunction, restore a detoured function (remove detour)
* * pdupfcn, pointer to the duplicated function
* * porigfcn, pointer to the original function
*/void restoredetouredfunction(char *porigfcn, char *pdupfcn)
// uninstall the detour, restore `jmp_lenght` bytes from the duplicate function.
for (offset = 0; offset < jmp_length; offset++)
// deallocate the duplicate page
exfreepoolwithtag((void *)((int)pdupfcn - offset_in_page((int)porigfcn)), 0xdeadbeef);
return ;}/*
* driverunload, driver unload point
* * driverobject, self (driver)
*/void driverunload(in pdriver_object driverobject)
//dbgprint(("krembo unloaded!/n"));
return ;}/*
* driverentry, driver single entry point
* * driverobject, self (driver)
* * registrypath, given registrypath
*/ntstatus driverentry(in pdriver_object driverobject, in punicode_string registrypath) else
return status_success;
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