if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[p_split]') and objectproperty(id, n'isprocedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[p_split]
按指定的分隔符,將 ntext 欄位拆分成多條記錄
--鄒建 2004.07(引用請保留此資訊)--*/
create table tb(id int identity(1,1),content ntext)
insert tb select '001,002'
union all select '001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009,010'
union all select replicate('001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009,010',8000)
exec p_split 'tb','content',',','id=3'
drop table tb
create proc p_split
@tbname sysname, --要處理的表名
@fdname sysname, --text/ntext欄位名
@splitchar nvarchar(10)=',',--拆分的字串分隔符
@where nvarchar(1000)=''--要處理的記錄的條件
asif isnull(@splitchar,'')='' set @splitchar=','
declare @s nvarchar(4000)
set @s='
create table #t(id int identity(1,1),re nvarchar(50))
declare @id int,@ptr varbinary(16)
declare @s nvarchar(4000),@i int,@j int
declare @sp1 varchar(10),@step int
select @sp1=reverse(@splitchar),@step=len(@splitchar)
declare tb cursor local for
select id,s=substring(['+@fdname+'],1,4000)
from ['+@tbname+']
where datalength(['+@fdname+'])>0
'+case isnull(@where,'') when '' then ''
else ' and('+@where+')' end+'
open tb
fetch tb into @id,@s
while @@fetch_status=0
set @i=1
while @s<>''''
if len(@s)=4000
select @j=4000-charindex(@sp1,reverse(@s))
select @i=@i+4000,@j=len(@s)
insert #t select substring(@s,id,charindex(@splitchar,@s+@splitchar,id)-id)
from 序數表
where id<=@j+@step and charindex(@splitchar,@splitchar+@s,id)-id=0
select @s=substring(['+@fdname+'],@i,4000)
from ['+@tbname+']
where id=@id
endfetch tb into @id,@s
endclose tb
deallocate tb
select * from #t
'exec sp_executesql @s
,n'@splitchar nvarchar(10)'
if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id n dbo p split and objectproperty id,n isprocedure 1 drop procedure dbo p split go ntext欄位拆分處理 ...
if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id n dbo p split and objectproperty id,n isprocedure 1 drop procedure dbo p split go ntext欄位拆分處理 ...
ifexists select fromdbo.sysobjectswhereid object id n dbo p split andobjectproperty id,n isprocedure 1 dropprocedure dbo p split go ntext 字段拆分處理 按指定的分...