VC 實現非視窗類中使用定時器的方法

2021-04-14 16:40:01 字數 964 閱讀 9336

/// mytimer.h: inte***ce for the cmytimer class.

#if !defined(afx_mytimer_h__d97674d1_b221_49cd_9637_4cba8c3180ce__included_)

#define afx_mytimer_h__d97674d1_b221_49cd_9637_4cba8c3180ce__included_

#i nclude

#if _msc_ver > 1000

#pragma once

#endif // _msc_ver > 1000

class cmytimer;

typedef cmapctimermap;

class cmytimer


/ mytimer.cpp: implementation of the cmytimer class.

#i nclude "stdafx.h"

#i nclude "timerdemo.h"

#i nclude "mytimer.h"

#ifdef _debug

#undef this_file

static char this_file=__file__;

#define new debug_new


ctimermap cmytimer::m_stimemap;



{}void callback cmytimer::mytimerproc(hwnd hwnd,uint umsg,uint idevent,dword dwtime)

void cmytimer::setmytimer(uint nelapse,cstring sz)

void cmytimer::killmytimer()


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